Board of Directors

a row of small blue stools for children

Mercy Foundation would not be able to serve the Douglas County community's children without the support and guidance of these leaders who volunteer to govern the foundation's activities.

Click a Board Member's name to see their picture.

Russ Woolley - Mercy CEO
Russ Woolley
Tammy Rondeau, Chair
Tammy Rondeau Portrait
Jeff Johnson, Vice Chair
Jeff Johnson Portrait
Sandy Wertz, Treasurer
Sandy Wertz Portrait
Sarah Baumgartner
Sarah Baumgartner Portrait
Neal Brown
Neal Brown Portrait
Pete Carhart
Pete Carhart Portrait
Rachelle Carter
Rachelle Carter Portrait
Mychal Fox
Mychal Fox Portrait
Carla Keene
Carla Keene
Matt Kowal
Matt Kowal Portrait
Dr. Beth Gallant
Dr Beth Gallant Portrait
Robert McKim
Robert McKim Portrait
Jeff Mornarich
Jeff Monarich Portrait
Tom Nelson
Tom Nelson Portrait
Brad O'Dell
ODell_Brad copy
Lisa Platt
Lisa Platt Portrait
Sharon Stanphill, PhD
Sharon Stanphil, PHD Portrait
Kim Swenson
Kim Swenson Portrait
Kim Tyree
Kim Tyree Portrait
Jill Weber, PhD
Jill Weber portrait