Wondering how to get involved?
Applications for the Kelly C. Morgan Health Care Career Scholarship are due APRIL 1. Download the application HERE.
A not-for-profit corporation established in 1973 and managed by a board of respected citizens, Mercy Foundation strives to identify and fill the unmet health care needs of Douglas County residents. Learn more about Mercy Foundation HERE. You can also read our latest newsletter or view our special 50th anniversary insert HERE.
I love these activities. They are short, informative, and fun. The kids enjoy them and we continue to talk about them
- Mrs. Freeman - Teacher

For a student to be healthy they need to be educated and to be educated, they need to be healthy.
- Nurse Mary, HKOP
The Foundation's Healthy Kids programs have truly been a pathway to better health for our students!
- Dave Gianotti, Riddle Superintendent